Thursday, May 1, 2014

The story behind my decision to change my life.

Today my husband and I embarked on a  journey together to become a healthier couple. We started our Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I would like to share with you the reasons why.  I also wanted to acknowledge some pretty amazing people who have had a huge impact on my life and my journey and may not even know it... 

It all started when we moved to Colorado 4 1/2 years ago.. I thought the move was going to be easy, I thought we would find "our place" right away, I thought " How hard can this be? People move all the time!" It was hard- very hard. I found myself 15 pounds heavier in just a few months. I know what some of you are thinking- how can she move to the mountains, where the life style is so active? Short answer- beer and food, my drug of choice. Well just a few months later I found out I was pregnant with our son Ethan. I had a hard pregnancy- he sat right on my sciatic nerve, I was sick every day, so what did I do? Easy- I ate for two, two grown adults that is.. The weight kept piling on.. Then life threw me one of the most difficult curve balls I had ever faced. My Dad died- 3 months before the birth of our son. I was beyond heartbroken-My dad was never going to know our son. Their birthdays are just 3 days apart. So that is when the eating really cranked up.. The day I waddled into the hospital to give birth to our son I tipped the scales at an astonishing 183lbs... I am 5ft nothing.. I was the equivalent to one of Willy Wonka's Oompa Loompa's. I was so ashamed. I did drop 20lbs but I never gave up the bad habits..

So lets fast forward 2 1/2 years.. I was done.. I was tired of feeling like the "Fat Mom". But here is where the darkness meets the light. We moved to an awesome community, where I was surrounded by strong, fit women. I never felt judged by any on them- just myself. I realized I was my own worst enemy. There are women like Lori Raper who taught my daughter that being strong was cool, that it was okay to fall down as long as you get back up-and try again. I kept falling, but this time I would get back up. Lori was actually coaching two girls at the same time with out even knowing it.  There is also Kira Reynolds, who is the epitome of fitness- she is an athlete and a pretty amazing one. She always had kind words and encouragement she was my friend and it did not matter to her what I looked like- I could see the sincerity shining in her eyes. To Sancy Shaw, I saw this amazing mother of four in a bikini at the lake and I wanted to drown myself. I thought to myself she has twice the amount of kids and she looks like a model, I am not exaggerating one bit... But she smiled at me and had nothing but kind words to say.  She is one of the kindest women I have ever met- her sense of humor is amazing. Again I never felt judged. Now let us move on to Becky Heid who runs a ranch, has two boys,  animals galore, after school activities, 4H, and still found the time and energy to ski, not only that but skied a cross county race with both of her boys and finished. Then there is Tara Chase, who has always had a smile to share with an amazing laugh and best of all her hugs- she gives the kind of hug that will make any bad day you have better. To Tammy Stratton- she has always told me to quit being so hard on myself, that I was beautiful. She listened to me every day for a year while waiting to pick our kids up. She loved me just the way I was.  Jordan Cranwell thank you for everything. You were the first friend I made when I moved here and you are one of the best I have ever had. You were my rock during the most difficult times in my life. To Elaine Dawson, you are my comedic relief, my shoulder to complain on and you truly understand my struggle. I pretend not to listen to you but here is a little secret- I do and I love you. To All of my Mom's- I could write an entire blog of how you have helped me. I will save you for another time.

These women and many more inspired me to make a change. A big one. I decided I did not want to be "skinny" I want to be fit, I want to be strong, I wanted to be like them. I want to ski the Glide the Divide and finish, I want to be able to keep up with Kira's girls on their mountain bikes, (not sure I will ever keep up with Kira)  I want to watch Sancy Shaw kick butt in her Triathlon because lets face it- I think that may be beyond my capabilities :)  Baby steps people!! I want to Lori to teach me to golf, so I can beat my husband someday! To make it simple I want to try new things, but If I fall I will get back up and try again and again and again.

That is when I decided to buy a canister of Spark®. I started eating right and working out 5 days a week- no more excuses. To my delight I lost 30lbs in 90 days. I was on my way!! People were cheering me on and complementing me on my hard work, I was starting to feel like my old self again
This is when we decided to go all in. I emailed another amazing lady Crystal Thurber who sold me my first canister of Spark® and Herbal Cleanse 8 years ago and told her I was ready to start building a business. I wanted to build a business around a company I believe in and that company is Advocare. The products are amazing and there is something for everyone. Its not just about weight loss. 

I am going to blog about our 24 Day Challenge, I will let people know exactly what we are doing daily with hopes I can inspire someone to take that next step, that leap of faith and change their life.

Wish us luck,

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